The following animated videos bring you into the world of fashion industry, and they introduce fast fashion, its social, economic and environmental impacts. You can also participate in a clothes swap party.
Have you ever wondered where and how the dress which you are now wearing made? From this animated video you can get to know the path of the clothes, from the fabrication of the raw materials to the delivery to the store and to the disposal. The video is available in English, in German, in Greek and in Hungarian.
What is the problem with fast fashion? It affects not only the environment but the society! In this video you can get to know the social impacts. The video is available in English, in German, in Greek and in Hungarian.
What happens if you buy a T-shirt? Have you ever wondered its environmental impacts? This video introduces them and also provides solutions. Check it out!
Fast fashion is an enormous global challenge that has economic, social and environmental impacts. This video introduces a solution how we can slow down. The video is available in English, in German, in Greek and in Hungarian.